Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Mayor of Toronto is bleeding and the hounds are closing in, even the hounds from down south

I can't stand the sound of barking dogs.

This is the HQ of the Hound Pound. Need I say more?

Gawker hawking titbits from Canada instead of reporting the scandals aplenty in their own country.  Checking the huge splinter sticking out a mile from one's own eyes is ignored while devoting full time resources and efforts to picking the speck from their neighbour's eyes.  Ugh !

Joe Warmington writing at SunNewsNetwork still believes in giving the mayor a fair chance to prove the hounds wrong, bless his heart:
It's a crime to smoke crack but it may also be illegal to try to sell a video of it for profit.
"If such a sale was done lawfully, GST would have to be paid on such a transaction," said Toronto crime specialist Ross McLean.
But even without that, the former Toronto police officer said, the on-line campaign to purchase the alleged Mayor Rob Ford "crack" video from suspected drug world figures is rife with legal intrigue and law enforcement concerns.
"Areas in the Criminal Code that stand out as questionable are in the proceeds of crime and money laundering sections," said McLean. "This is uncharted water for law enforcement and the Crown's office, but they have laws to work with and will be reviewing them."
It has been several days since the story broke about the video of the mayor allegedly smoking crack, more than $70,000 has been raised to buy it and reporters spent Victoria Day weekend stalking the guy.
It's not Alice in Wonderland, The Osbournes, Kardashians, Truman Show or Celebrity Rehab.
It's Toronto.
Meanwhile, Ford, sources say, will make a statement Tuesday which will either add heat to the flame or throw on some water.....

BUT according to Natalie Alcoba of National Post the mayor got through his day (Tuesday May 21) without uttering a word on the allegations.
Despite fresh pleas from his allies, Mayor Rob Ford left work behind the wheel of his Cadillac Escalade Tuesday afternoon without uttering a word related to his alleged crack cocaine use that has made headlines around the world.
A report that he would be making a statement sparked frenzied media attention at city hall, where the mayor was confronted by reporters on several occasions: upon his arrival, following a city council meeting on a casino, and then leaving the parking garage. He seemed to speed up between two flanks of television cameras as he exited the lot.
In the end, the only public comments he made centred on his newfound opposition to a downtown casino and a vow to “continue to fight for the taxpayer.”............

Today, May 22, Christina Commisso of CTVNews tells us that:
....Toronto councillor and deputy mayor Doug Holyday   says Rob Ford has been advised by lawyers not to comment on unsubstantiated reports of an alleged video recording that shows the mayor using drugs and making offensive remarks.
Ford has said very little about the issue since reports were published late last week, only calling the allegations “ridiculous.”....

When Licia Corbella of Calgary Herald asked:
Why there was no compassion from the  Left for Ford's "disease",  the Left went at her with hammer and tongs in the comments.  They completely missed the point she was making about addiction to crack cocaine  not being a disease as the Left insists it is, but a human failing which requires self control and not government subsidies.  They also  missed her other point (or they didn't and hated her for it) that the Left's hypocrisy was showing.


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