Friday, May 3, 2013

The insanity of the USA under the Obama regime

This madness is contagious and will surely contribute to the downfall of America.... it won't be just the financial bubble which can burst at any time without any warning.  The madness of the supposedly well-educated and upper class Americans is going to be a strong factor in the USA's ultimate downfall.  No matter how much we the  fans of that country want it to survive,  how can it when the people within the country want to commit mass suicide ?  Go to the link and read the entire article to see how much into depravity many of the non-Catholic churches have fallen into.  If  I was a superstitious person I would think that they have been taken over by the devil himself.

Mark Tooley writing at AmericanSpectator:
Transsexual Flights from Reality. Now churches are wanting to subsidize this strange form of gnosticism.  United Methodist-affiliated Duke University in North Carolina will now cover sex-change surgery up to $50,000 as part of its medical insurance plan. It reportedly joins 37 other U.S. colleges in medically and financially facilitating America latest gnostic fantasy that gender is fluid and self-determined rather than a physical reality. The ancient Gnostics believed in mind over matter, in conflict with Judaism and Christianity, which have always asserted a concrete reality in God’s order of creation.

It’s been commonly claimed that America’s historically intrinsic offer of constant self-reinvention is itself gnostic influenced. Maybe, but this American promise was actually a reaction against static social and economic stratification in the Old World. American individualism offered upward mobility and the liberty to pursue adventure and even eccentricity. It has not until recently demanded that society must approve and subsidize new gender identities entailing elective, radically mutilating surgery followed by a lifetime of hormone treatments.

Duke’s new policy doesn’t necessarily fully implicate the United Methodist Church, whose Southeast Jurisdiction technically still owns the school. As with nearly all schools that emerged from old line Protestantism, Duke quit any practical fidelity to operative Christian faith many decades ago. In 2000, Duke’s famous chapel agreed to host same-sex unions, leading Duke Divinity School, which recognized United Methodism’s ban on same-sex unions, to create its own chapel.

Transgenderism naturally is permeating the liberal churches. Last year’s Episcopal General Convention officially affirmed transgendered clergy, protecting against “discrimination” based on “gender identity and expression.” One bishop celebrated with transgendered themed prayer: “Spirit of Life, we thank you for disordering our boundaries and releasing our desires as we prepare this feast of delight,” she began. “Draw us out of hidden places and centers of conformity to feel your laughter and live in your pleasure.”

United Methodism, which has no official transgender policy, has at least two publicly announced post-operative transsexual clergy. The same is true for the Presbyterian Church (USA). One Presbyterian clergy is a post-operative transsexual from male to female, additionally now professing to be lesbian and married to a woman. Intolerant conservatives object to the sex change and the purported same-sex union, even though of course the union comprises a genetic male married to a female, exciting cries of hypocrisy from liberal supporters. An admiring documentary of the story is titled: “THY WILL BE DONE: A transsexual woman’s journey through family and faith.”

A 2005 convo for liberal and LGBTQI Methodists famously featured a transsexual who delighted the audience by announcing that ten years before he had been a married “straight, conservative, evangelical, white male” and was now only still white, having undergone a sex change operation, and now relating to the same woman who remains his wife as a lesbian. Hooray! The Methodist transsexual, a layperson, is now described as a national expert on the issue. A post-operative transsexual United Methodist clergy, from female to male, was announced and hailed by the bishop of Baltimore-Washington in 2007. Ostensibly this clergy was reviving a dying urban congregation. But after a short pastorate, this clergy now works for the ACLU in Alaska........

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