Monday, May 13, 2013

Somebody needs to be booted out from the PM's office

Either the stupidity below was committed by an eager beaver intern in the PM's office or our dear leader has gone completely off his rocker.  I would prefer to think that some stupido in his office thought this was the thing to do or that the website was hacked and this super stupid stuff inserted in it making it look like it was from the PM.

From Yahoo:
....I hope you’ll join me in signing this card wishing Laureen a Happy Mother’s Day:
Thank you – and to all mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day.
Stephen Harper
Leader, Conservative Party of Canada......

Ugh!   ugh!  and double ugh!  
If the above is actually from the Conservatives, it proves my  oft repeated mantra that  there's not much of a difference between the present crop of Conservatives and the Liberals.  They are all very yucky.

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