Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Some days I want brain-dead "journalists" to be slapped hard enough to knock some sense into them

Shereen Dindar whose article below appeared today at Yahoo is one of them. Fucking woman has not known what it is like to see your loved ones blown to bits  by Muslims. Until that happens, idiots like her will keep thinking that Muslims are at a disadvantage and are being harassed  by "stupid" non-Muslims.

Mail OnlineUK from where the "stupid" Shereen Dindar  got her idea for the article, has more precise information on the doll and its creator.

Enter the world's latest and greatest nod to human stupidity.
A controversial greeting card that recently sold out at Chicago stationery store He Who Eats Mud features a girl doll wearing a hijab. The card reads, “She’ll love you to death! She’ll blow your brains out!” Inside it says, “Hope your birthday is a blow out!”
The anonymous store owner is quoted in the Chicago Sun Times as saying, "This isn't Hallmark -- we're not a politically correct store."
But is it possible this card has one upped the stupidity level of the Boston man who randomly punched a Muslim woman in hijab while walking with her baby just days after the bombings?
“It’s an ugly stereotype. Muslim women who wear the hijab face dirty looks, catcalls and even abuse — and it’s connected to irresponsible ‘jokes’ like this,” Ahmed Rehab, executive director at the Council on American Islamic Relations, tells the Chicago Sun Times.
The card is made by Nobel Works Cards with credit for the design given to company owner Ron Kanfi.
Since news of this story broke, the greeting card has been taken down from the company website -- a company whose motto is "Dare to Laugh."
"The joke is that if you wear a hijab, you're a terrorist -- it's that primitive," Rehab says.
The card is reportedly intended as a spoof on a different talking doll, Aamina, designed to teach Muslim children basic Arabic phrases such as “Peace be unto you” and “If God wills it.”
"The notion that a doll can be presented as a terrorist simply and only because it is a 'Muslim' doll...is not what defines 'funny' for a lot of people, but bigoted, ugly, idiotic, moronic, etc.," says Rehab in a letter to Nobel Works Cards.
What are your thoughts on this controversial doll? Is it funny or offensive?

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