Saturday, May 11, 2013

Rex Murphy on the unethical Al Gore and his eager beaver fans ....

at the Globe & Mail.   In my opinion, Mr.Murphy is one of the last  clear-headed intellectuals remaining at the National Post.  National Post  used to be a bastion for conservatism, but sadly, not any more.

Rex Murphy writing at NationalPost:
....Because this column is written on Friday, I have no idea   what luminary graces the front page of today’s weekend edition of the Globe & Mail newspaper. But I am still recovering from their choice for the marquee spot last Saturday, when I saw, gleaming at me from a newsstand, a full, front-page photograph of Al Gore.

Such iconography suggests world importance on the scale of Nelson Mandela. Al Gore falls short of that level of epicness by several orders of magnitude.

In truth, Mr. Gore’s star has been fading for years, which is why the Globe’s front-page looked a decade old. His eco-alarmism is stale. The urgency of his early appeal has decayed into mere stridency. The very subject of global warming has grown more complicated.

Which raises the question of how relevant Al Gore is anymore. Has he been saying anything new to earn such a front-page tribute?

As far as I could tell, out of the fogbank of predictable platitudes and eco-mush he served up to his eager Canadian interviewer, the big “news” was that Gore slagged Alberta and the oil sands. He accused Alberta and those who support its oil industry, and the thousands and thousands of Canadians who work at it, of treating the atmosphere of sweet Mother Earth as an “open sewer.” He insisted on the point repeatedly.

Well, stop the presses indeed. Bashing Alberta is every lazy global warming environmentalist’s equivalent of morning prayer. Fort McMurray has been cast to play Hellmouth, the emblem of all that is..............

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