Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our transparent Conservative government

All I want to know is what our government conceded to in order for that vile nation of Saudi Arabia to release Mohamed Kohail who was sentenced to death by beheading.   Look, I am glad they did release him, because to all appearances it was a case of self-defense and he's already spent several years in prison.  My beef, however, is with his parents.  First and above all, if a family  has migrated to Canada,  why would they still send their kids to a school in Saudi Arabia?

And, are they now back in Canada?  What exactly did the Conservative govt. give in return to make  the Saudis release this "Canadian" ?  Why did they feel responsible for a migrant family who chose to educate their children not in the democratic country they migrated to, but in a stinkhole like Saudi Arabia?  Will this come back to bite the Conservative govt in their big fat behind one day just like it has done in the case of the Khadrs and the Liberals?   Is it any wonder that a recent poll somewhere showed that almost 70% of Canadians have no faith  nor confidence in their elected officials ?

Sadly, the CanadianPress story is haphazardly written and this is supposed to be a CP exclusive?  That's journalism for you  Geez!

From Yahoo: Sidhartha Banerjee writing at TheCanadianPress
.....CP exclusive: Canadian once slated for beheading  in Saudi Arabia released from prison.
A Canadian who was once condemned to death by beheading has been quietly released from a Saudi prison after almost six years behind bars.
Documents obtained by The Canadian Press indicate that Mohamed Kohail was freed last December.
The documents from the Department of Foreign Affairs, obtained through the Access to Information Act, are significantly redacted and they do not indicate the circumstances under which Kohail was released.
"It would have been up to the family to make some kind of an announcement," said Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Chrystiane Roy.
"My understanding was he was released and that's (all) I have."  .............

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