Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Nigeria declares emergency because of murderous Muslims on the warpath

Are you surprised ?
See how soon the Boko Haram monsters were able to take over large swaths of areas in Nigeria, areas which were heavy with a Muslim majority, which areas are of course rooting for them.... and see how quickly they have purged the Christians and other ethnic African groups from those areas.
When did we start hearing about Boko Haram?  Was it just a year ago,  two years ago?  You gotta give the murderous Muslims credit for it in Africa, the Middle East, Europe or North America.  Those rascals are super quick and super efficient in spreading Shariah and Islam.

Joe Brock and Felix Onuah reporting at Reuters:
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in three northeastern states on Tuesday, ordering in more troops to try to stem an increasingly violent Islamist insurgency.

Islamist sect Boko Haram has intensified its attacks on security forces and government targets in its northeast stronghold this month, prompting Jonathan to declare an emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states.

"We are facing ... a rebellion and insurgency by terrorist groups which pose a very serious threat to our national unity," Jonathan said in a televised address.

"They have attacked government buildings and facilities. They have murdered innocent citizens and state officials. They have set houses ablaze, and taken women and children as hostages. These actions amount to a declaration of war."

His orders followed growing evidence that Boko Haram now control parts of the northeastern territory around Lake Chad, where local government officials have fled......

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