Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Muslims kill 10 Christian alcohol shop workers in Iraq

Alcohol recipes for Christians wherever Muslim blood is available.

Bloody Mohammads
1 ounce Shiite blood
1 ounce Sunni blood
1 ounce Palestinian ouzo
1 ounce vodka
a dash of  Jordanian lime juice
crushed  ice

Martini a la Vodka-Shariah  
1 ounce vodka
1 ounce Iraqi Shiite blood
1 ounce Iraqi Sunni blood
half glass Afghanistani pomegranate juice
chill and serve

From BBC:
Gunmen using silenced weapons  have attacked a row of alcohol shops in Baghdad, leaving 10 people dead, officials say.
The attackers arrived in four vehicles and restrained policemen at a checkpoint in the eastern district of Zayouna, where the stores are located.
They reportedly struck when the shops were at their busiest, as commuters on their way home stopped to buy drinks.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
All of the dead and four left critically wounded were Christians working in the shops. The gunmen allowed customers to leave unharmed.
Police were quoted as saying the shops had been rebuilt after they were targeted in bomb attacks last year.
Security forces and eye witnesses described the attack as happening very quickly, the BBC's Aleem Maqbool reports from Baghdad.........

From News24:
....The stores are an attractive target   for fundamentalists because Islam forbids alcohol, and are made more so because they are often staffed by religious minorities such as Yazidis and Christians.
Commenting on the attacks, Khidr said if the politicians want Iraq to be an Islamic state, they should declare it one.
"If they say the state is Islamic, then we will leave this job and go to another," Khidr said.....


  1. Sounds good. Where can I buy the blood bottles?

    1. They are being imported to our shores. Have patience.


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