Thursday, May 2, 2013

Massachusetts was deaf and blind to warnings from opponents of the Boston mosque

In 2004 warnings from Prof. Dennis Hale and others about the Boston mosque fell on deaf ears.  Why?  Because Massachusetts is well known as one of the main Leftish states in the USA.  Lefties can never look beyond their own noses leave alone looking even one year into the future.  The amazing question asked by Americans from that state after the identities of the bombers were made known,  was  "WHY"?    That question alone should tell you how much they know about Islam and the followers of that cult.

The vid below is from several years ago.  If only the Bostonians had refrained from pampering the Muslims there, maybe the tragedy of April 15, 2013 would have never come about.

From ClarionProject:
....As previously reported by the Clarion Project, the Tsarnaev brothers who committed the Boston bombings attended the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), a mosque with extensive Muslim Brotherhood ties.

Evidence of the radical Islamic ideology being spread in the Boston area can be seen in the following video from March 2010. The video shows Imam Abdullah Faarooq, an imam at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, calling on Muslim congregants to support Aafia Siddiqui, a known Al-Qaeda operative, and telling worshippers, “You must grab on to this rope, grab on to the typewriter, grab on to the shovel, grab on to the gun and the sword, don’t be afraid to step out into this world and do your job.” 

Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani woman who previously resided in the United States, was found guilty on all charges related to her attempted murder and assault on United States officers and employees in Afghanistan. In September 2010, Siddiqui was sentenced to 86 years in prison.

Now, Americans for Peace and Tolerance has discovered that the ISB website approved of wife-beating and striking 10-year olds for refusing to pray. The organization also found additional proof of the mosque’s extremism.....

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