Saturday, May 25, 2013

Far too late for the EU countries

We better circle our wagons here in North American and  stand on guard.  Forget the numbskull countries of the EU as their goose is cooked and the feasting is only beginning.  Not even the bones of  European culture will remain after the muzzies lick the plate clean.

On the stabbing of the French soldier while on anti-terror patrol,  their socialist president has a great idea on how to handle the situation.  He's gonna  "explore the theories as to why the attack happened."      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!  

Peter Allen writing at MailOnline:
...French anti-terror soldier has throat slashed   in Paris by 'jihab-wearing man of North African origin in Woolwich copycat attack.
A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a knife-wielding man tonight. 
The savage attack follows the murder of a British soldier by two men using weapons including knives and a meat cleaver, One of the suspects said they were acting in the name of Islam. 
Today there were fears that the Paris attack was a copy-cat crime and that a radical Muslim might once more be responsible.....

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