Thursday, May 9, 2013

Emirati and Saudi terrorists arrested in Tanzania Church bombing and killing of Christians

Wherever the islamist cult members go, they set off bombs.   In planes, in buildings, in churches, in streets, at football matches, at marathons, at election rallies ... you name the place where human blood can be shed aplenty and  there you will surely find the muzzie vampires,  long tongues hanging out in readiness to lap up human blood.   A more disgusting band of cultists have never ever given birth on this our Earth and in all likelihood never will there ever be a worse cult than the cult of islam. Never !!

From Reuters:
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) said    three of its citizens had been arrested in Tanzania in connection with the bombing of a church on Sunday that killed two people and wounded six.

Tanzanian officials initially said four Saudis were being held after the attack on a Catholic church in Arusha in north Tanzania but the government subsequently identified them only as "foreigners of Middle Eastern origin" without giving their nationalities.

A diplomat from Saudi Arabia has been quoted as saying only one of those held was from the kingdom.

"We are following with interest the issue of the three citizens who are being held in Tanzania," the UAE Foreign Ministry of the U.S.-allied Gulf state said on its Twitter account.

Investigators said they were still determining the type of device used in the attack on the church in Tanzania, a nation of about 45 million people roughly split evenly between Muslims and Christians..........

.....Saudi ambassador in Dar es-Salaam, Hani Abdallah Mo'menah, said one Saudi and three Emiratis had been arrested, Tuesday's edition of Saudi al-Riyadh daily reported.

"When the attack happened, the Saudi, his three Emirati friends and two Tanzanian friends happened to be where the explosion took place in Arusha," the paper quoted him as saying.

Mo'menah said he was on his way to Arusha, adding: The whole issue is mere suspicion and we expect them to be released, God willing." He said the group were there as tourists......

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