Monday, May 27, 2013

Do you have a handbag to donate ?

There's a muzzie in Sweden who will thank you for  your generosity ... or not.

....Swedish UFC lightweight Reza Madadi http has been arrested  following a smash and grab that he was allegedly involved in at a handbag boutique, Bottega Veneta, in Stockholm.
On Friday morning, alleges that Madadi and his accomplices were banging against the door of the shop for five minutes before obtaining entry. Once inside a staff member said they cleared the store of expensive handbags estimated to be around the value of 1 million kronor ($150,000 USD).
The police set upon tracking down the get-away vehicle and were successful.
“We have two in custody. One of them is suspected of aggravated theft, and the other for abetting larceny,” prosecutor Olof Calmvik said.......

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