Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Did the IRS target Larry Conners of KMOV because of his interview with Obama?

In all likelihood, YES !!   Ugh!  What a terrible scandal !!    How will the Republicans handle all the messy stuff  about the IRS that's hitting the fan?  Will they do something constructive or will they cower under their desks  and continue to bleat about invading other countries like warmonger McCain?  Taking care of their own citizens and their own country seem to be something that most Republicans have put on the back burner. Only the Tea Partiers among them are the ones who have a sense of what's going on.

Below is part of what Conners says at his Facebook page:
Shortly after I did my April 2012 interview with President Obama, my wife, friends and some viewers suggested that I might need to watch out for the IRS.
I don't accept "conspiracy theories", but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me.
At the time, I dismissed the "co-incidence", but now, I have concerns ... after revelations about the IRS targeting various groups and their members.
Originally, the IRS apologized for red-flagging conservative groups and their members if they had "Tea Party" or "patriot" in their name.
Today, there are allegations that the IRS focused on various groups and/or individuals questioning or criticizing government spending, taxes, debt or how the government is run ... any involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the constitution and bill of rights, or social economic reform/movement.
In that April 2012 interview, I questioned President Obama on several topics: the Buffet Rule, his public remarks about the Supreme Court before the ruling on the Affordable Care Act. I also asked why he wasn't doing more to help Sen. Claire McCaskill who at that time was expected to lose. The Obama interview caught fire and got wide-spread attention because I questioned his spending.
I said some viewers expressed concern, saying they think he's "out of touch" because of his personal and family trips in the midst of our economic crisis.
The President's face clearly showed his anger; afterwards, his staff which had been so polite ... suddenly went cold.
That's to be expected, and I can deal with that just as I did with President George H. Bush's staff when he didn't like my questions........

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