Thursday, May 30, 2013

British police in a tizzy as BNP and EDL call for demonstrations across country

Both groups are calling for demonstrations and both groups will march separately this Saturday.

The British police readily gives permission for muzzies to hold their hate fetes all over a country they hate  to pieces... but when it comes to giving the same courtesy to patriotic groups like the EDL and BNP,  those rights are dwindled down to approving  just 170 yards of marching?  (I read about the 170 yards restrictions somewhere else)  Does the British government realize what they are doing?  By these unreasonable  restrictions on the rights of these patriotic groups they are strengthening the two groups and waking up a larger section of the public which was asleep until now.  So let's give the idiots in the British police a  big hand and a big Thank You for helping our side.

Matthew Taylor writing at TheGurardian:
Far-right groups are planning their biggest mobilisation for 30 years   this weekend with more than 50 demonstrations planned in towns and cities across England.

Anti-racism campaigners have branded Saturday a "day of hate" after identifying 55 English Defence League (EDL) events as well a BNP march in London.

The events are seen as the latest attempt by UK far-right groups to exploit the murder of the British soldier Lee Rigby, who was stabbed to death in Woolwich, south-east London, last week.

"Towns and cities across England are going to have EDL events – many of them for the first time – and this is about the EDL taking their message of hate and division to communities across the country to try to stoke tensions and provoke a response," said Nick Lowles from Hope not Hate.

"It is going to be a very tense weekend and it represents the biggest far-right mobilisation we have seen in this country for 30 years."

The BNP leader, Nick Griffin, had planned to stage a six-mile march from Woolwich to Lewisham in south London on Saturday. But on Thursday afternoon the Metropolitan police imposed restrictions on the march, changing the route to central London between Millbank and the Cenotaph in Whitehall, because of fears that it could result in "serious disorder, serious damage to property, and/or serious disruption to the life of the community".

Commander Simon Letchford said: "The murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich last week shocked our city. The right to protest is a fundamental part of our society, however, such an evocative mix of views being expressed in communities still hurting from Lee's murder could have resulted in ugly scenes on our streets."

Some of the biggest EDL demonstrations are expected in Birmingham, Luton and Leeds and police forces across England have been holding emergency meetings this week to work out how best to maintain order........

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