Friday, April 12, 2013

What a web of deceit and lies !!

America has become like a house of cards.  Being a fan of that country, I am still hoping she does not fall like one.  Why lie about what really happened?  What were they thinking of accomplishing beside making people wonder what else are they lying about if they can't tell the truth about even the enemy action against Americans in Afghanistan?

Daniel Halper writing at TheWeeklyStandard:
...State Department employee Anne Smedinghoff    was killed in Afghanistan last weekend. At first reports suggested the young diplomat was part of an armed convoy that was bombed, but new reports say that she was actually on foot. And that the group she was with got lost on its way to deliver books..........
..........Ahmad Zia Abed, a reporter for Shamshad TV, said he and a videographer from his station were among about a dozen people, including the officer, Anne Smedinghoff, 25, whom American soldiers were escorting on the 200-yard walk from the local headquarters of the U.S.-led Provincial Reconstruction Team to what they thought was the school. A man at the gate said they had the wrong place, though, that this was the provincial agriculture institute.
The group retraced its steps to the American base to figure out what to do next, Abed said. The entrance to the base is just a few feet from the street, he said, and just as they reached it, walking more or less in single file, something slammed into his back and he staggered forward. Disoriented, he saw a car wheel roll past him.
"At first I thought that a car had left the road and struck me," he said. "But then I turned around and saw it had been a bomb."
Abed’s account of the bombing, the most detailed to surface since the explosion, raises new questions about the circumstances that led to the deadliest combat incident in Afghanistan for Americans this year and contradicts what relatives of the victims have said they were told – that Smedinghoff and her military escorts had been in an armored vehicle when it was rammed by a suicide vehicle..............

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