Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This is bad, very bad

No transit constable or police officer  should ever be  doing anything like this. This incident needs to be fully investigated.  No matter what the young girl has done, she is a puny little thing and the constable had no right to keep his knees on her back and manhandle her the way he did.  A very shameful state of affairs.  There's a right way in handling miscreants and there's a wrong way.  This, IMO, was a very wrong way.

Jennifer Pagliaro writing at TheStar:
Officials say an incident where a York Region Transit special constable appears to be detaining a customer as she cries out lasted 30 minutes in the Richmond Hill terminal.

The incident, which took place at the terminal near Yonge St. and Hwy 7 around 11:30 a.m. on Friday, is now under subject to a police investigation, York Regional Police have confirmed.
“Our investigation will be examining the circumstances leading up to the interaction between the Special Constable and the citizen as well as the authorities governing Special Constables,” Const. Andy Pattenden wrote in an email.
The special constable involved, who has not been identified, is currently reassigned to administrative duties for the duration of the investigation, something York Region Transit general manager Rick Leary said is “standard procedure.”
“The investigation is regarding the entire incident, not just the constable,” Leary added.

He said a cellphone video recorded by 27-year-old Richmond Hill resident Angela Fava only shows one part of the incident he said occurred over 30 minutes. He said the video begins near the end of the interaction.
The video shows the constable kneeling over a woman in red coat as he appears to be attempting to place her hands behind her back. She squirms and can be heard screaming, at one point audibly saying: “I’m sorry.”
At one point a second constable appears, placing what appears to be a large purse or bag beside the woman on the ground. Once in handcuffs, the first constable lifts the woman up on to a bench. “I’ve never seen them tackle and hold anyone down like that,” said Fava, a regular YRT commuter who was getting off a bus when she saw the incident in progress and began recording.
“I wouldn’t want to see an animal treated like that.”
York Region Transit has given video surveillance footage to York Regional Police, Leary said. He could not comment on what lead up to the portion seen in the cellphone video because it is part of the ongoing investigation, he said......

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