Thursday, April 11, 2013

The sissification of the Canadian male

If a man prefers wine to beer, he's gone soft all over. Ugh!!   Manly men's first choice is never wine.  No wonder the young girls in Canada are remaining single and growing into old maids because they would rather be so then be shackled to these wine sipping pussies around them.

Michael Babad writing at Globe&Mail:
.....Let’s totally stereotype here and talk  about beer in front of the TV while the Flames lose, or beer and a hot dog at the ballpark as the Jays lose.. For some, beer is as Canadian as the Maple Leaf, and anything less would be downright unpatriotic. But, new statistics show, a nation of beer drinkers are increasingly switching from hops to grapes.

“Despite the small increase in beer sales, both in terms of volume and dollar value, the market share dominance of beer continued to decline as consumers turned more to wine,” Statistics Canada said today, referring to numbers that are now a year out of date, but still show how tastes continue to change.

“In 2002, beer had a market share of 50 per cent by dollar value, while wine had 24 per cent,” the agency said in an annual report on alcoholic beverages.

“By 2012, the market share for beer had declined to 44 per cent, while wine accounted for 31 per cent.”

As the business goes, net income among the provincial and territorial liquor authorities rose 3.6 per cent to $6.1-billion.

The report, for the fiscal year that ended March 31, 2012, showed beer and liquor sales climbing 3 per cent from a year earlier, to almost $21-billion............

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