Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The arrival of olfactory delights through your computer

I can't begin to tell you how many times I have thought that technology would make this happen.  The Japanese beat the Israelis to this invention....my bets were on the Israelis.

Scott Sutherland of Geekquinox at YahooNews writes:
Apparently Google was on to something  with the more well-received of their April Fools' jokes yesterday. The Google Nose 'scentsation' promised to deliver smells via your computer, just by searching for something and clicking the 'Smell' button. Not everyone sees the idea as a joke, though.

Haruka Matsukura, a researcher at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, along with colleagues Tatsuhiro Yoneda and Hiroshi Ishida, presented their new 'olfactory display' at the 2013 IEEE Virtual Reality conference in Orlando, demonstrating how the system can deliver smells to complement whatever is viewed on the monitor..........

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