Thursday, April 4, 2013

Texan judges have become dhimmis of the first order ?

Human smugglers who also raped  the illegal immigrant women they were transporting to the USA  get light sentences.  When did Texas become so lenient. What's going on in Rick Perry's domain?  We know he likes muzzies a whole big lot,  but has he also developed a taste for  rapists and illegal immigrant smugglers too?  Unbelievable!

The sentences meted out to the two criminals by a Texan judge were a measly 5 and 8 years for the crimes of not only human smuggling but ALSO raping illegals they were smuggling into the USA>

From AP via TheStatesman:
......U.S. District Judge Randy Crane   on Monday sentenced Juan David Alviso-Gonzalez of Mexico to five years in prison and Miguel Aceves of El Salvador to eight years for smuggling illegal immigrants..........

Not only are the sentences lenient,  but to add insult to injury, the dhimmi judge goes on to say that:
he was giving an enhanced sentence because of the men's 2012 sexual assaults.
Has the illegal immigrant law gone soft over there?  Is that the reason why trafficking of illegals into the USA has picked up in the last few years?

One would not have expected a Texan judge to give such light sentences for such terrible crimes. Something's not kosher.

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