Monday, April 1, 2013

Rules of the Cavemen: After a bloody and gruesome beheading one should give a nice strong speech

I want to spoil your morning by making you watch this video. I never said I was not a malicious, conniving bitch, did I?   Misery love watch !   After that, read the translation of the promises and warnings from the madcap.  "Madcap" to me and you,  spiritual leader to millions of  islamists and one of the most "respected" heads of the "opposition" gangs  in Syria.

Jabhat al-Nusra Shaikh Promises to Decapitate  Every Oppressive Arab Leader. This Jabhat al-Nusra shaikh gives a speech, while standing above the decapitated body of a Syrian officer. The slain officer commanded the 38th brigade, which was stationed at Saida very close to Deraa near the Jordanian border. Al-Nusra defeated the brigade a week ago. Here is the translation of the Shaikh’s triumphant speech warning all presidents, kings, amirs, security officials and military officers of the oppressive Arab regimes that they will be killed and abased in the same fashion. The free Arab and Muslim people are on the march and will not be satisfied until they have slain their oppressors. It gives interesting insight into Jabhat al Nusra rhetoric and stands as a warning to Arab politicians and security chieftains in generally. The shaikh reminds us that al-Nusra has far reaching plans for the region. It is not clear if the Shaikh is Syrian. He uses the word “Generalat” for generals, which is not Syrian. He also refers to a military rank as “musheer”. Syrians don’t use this rank much at all.....

The Nusra fighter starts by quoting Surat At-Tawbah [14-15]:
Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people. And remove the fury in the believers’ hearts. And Allah turns in forgiveness to whom He wills; and Allah is Knowing and Wise. (Sahih international translation)
O’ Tyrants of the world, our Arab world especially. This is the fate of every arrogant, unjust, spoiled and damned tyrant [as he points to the beheaded body]
This is the fate of the ruling generals of the Arab world, in armies and in what is falsely and fraudulently labeled “security systems”, when in reality its a system of torture, injustice and tyranny
This is their fate; They get their heads chopped off and stepped on along with their titles and rank.
Al Moushir, Al Fariq, al Liwaa, al Amid, al Akid, al Moukadam, al Raed and all the ranks are under our feet. Thanks to Allah
This is the fate of every tyrant, oppressor criminal, every enemy of Allah, every enemy of Islam and Muslims and every enemy of jihad and the mujaheddin.
This is their fate; They get their heads chopped off and stepped on along with their ranks, medals, ribbons, looks and pictures, if Allah wills it [inshallah]
This is their punishment, humiliations and disgrace and it will be more disgraceful in the afterlife and they won’t be saved, if Allah wills it.
This is the fate of all the tyrants and all tyrannical idol worshiper, ignorant, infidel, polytheistic, criminal, corruptor governments, rulers and regimes.
This is your fate, to the end, to the disgraceful death in life and to the fires of hell in the afterlife Damn their fate. All of them, the generals and officers in the armies and security systems of the tyrants, as well as their governments and if Allah wills it, to their Presidents, Kings and Emirs, if Allah wills it….
Soon, they will be defeated, they will be defeated, they will be defeated. And glory to Allah and his prophets and the believers. And glory to the mujaheddin in the name Allah and glory to Islam and Muslims
And shame and disgrace on the ignorant worshipers of idols, the criminals, the unjust and the corruptors. The disgrace and shame and disappointment and the fire of hell in the afterlife, if Allah wills it, the fire of hell to all of them. Their ranks and their salaries won’t help them there, nor will their medals or ribbons or looks or pictures and nor all the commands and guards and bodyguards. No one will help them and nothing if Allah wills it. Your God is on the lookout, and the Soldiers of Allah everywhere are on the lookout for every unjust criminal tyrant, if Allah wills it.
And they will receive the fate as this unjust criminal corruptor [points at body], the damned Amid Mahmoud Darwish, if Allah wills it, and if Allah wills it, it will happen to all the unjust generals in the Arab armies and its security systems, the criminals and corruptors. This is their fate and to hell with them….

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