Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Oh what a wonderful world! Syria's headchoppers confirm merging with Iraq's Al Qaeda headchoppers and desire an Islamic state in Syria

What can go wrong now? Vampires thirsting for Christian, Shiite, Alawite and infidel blood on a rampage with weapons, funds and logistic support from USA, UK as well as many others from the EU, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and others. 

All this turmoil only because this is suppose to twist Iran's arm and get them to comply with the blackmail,  demands  requests of NATO???  So many deaths and so much destruction of other countries because NATO does not want direct confrontation with  Iran but by death and destruction of other countries nearby what cannot be accomplish by direct conflict will be a piece of cake?  Does it make sense to you? 

Please explain it to me how such a strategy will work ... because being a dodo I have been  deprived  of the extraordinary brain cells you other enlightened people seem to possess.

From AlArabiyaEnglish:
Al-Qaeda in Iraq confirms Syria’s Nusra Front is part of its network. Al-Qaeda in Iraq said for the first time on Tuesday that al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group battling President Bashar al-Assad's regime, was part of its network and fighting for an Islamic state in Syria.

The remarks by the leader of al-Qaeda's front group in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, confirmed widespread suspicions of links between the two groups.

“It's now time to declare in front of the people of the Levant and [the] world that the al-Nusra Front is but an extension of the Islamic State in Iraq and part of it," the SITE monitoring service quoted Baghdadi as saying in an audio speech issued on jihadist forums on Monday.

The groups will now be combined and called the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

Experts have long said that al-Nusra Front was receiving support from al-Qaeda-linked insurgents in neighboring Iraq. The group has claimed responsibility for deadly bombings in Damascus and Aleppo, and its fighters have joined other rebel brigades in attacks on Assad's forces.

Baghdadi said the group was willing to ally with other groups “on the condition that the country and its citizens be governed according to the rules dictated by Allah.”

Al-Nusra Front first gained notoriety for its suicide bombings in Syria but has evolved into a formidable fighting force leading attacks on battlefronts throughout the country......

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