Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Libyan Militia" in other words "terrorists on govt payroll" causes TV station to suspend transmission

Wow !   Imagine that!  The islamist government of  the new Libya, stations their "militia" at the cable networks.  I wonder if Stephen Harper should do the same at the CBC too?   After all,  Canada is one of the  NATO nations that helped bring about the end of Gadhafi and the start of "democracy" in Libya.  What's not to like about Libya's "democracy" eh?!   We should copy some of that.

Esam Mohamed of AP via VancouverSun:
.....Staff members at Libya's state TV  news channel have suspended work indefinitely after an employee was allegedly assaulted by a member of a militia guarding their building.

Live shows were cancelled, and Libya al-Wataniya was airing only archive video on Tuesday.

An employee at the channel, who spoke anonymously because he feared retribution from militiamen, said that staff wants the army or police to secure the building.

The TV building, like most of Libya, is secured by militias aligned with the government.

The channel's top managers declined to comment.

Two years after the country's civil war, Libya is struggling to build a national security force and reign in militias that were formed when rebels fought to oust the country's longtime dictator, Moammar Gadhafi, in 2011.....

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