Thursday, April 11, 2013

G8 tells Assad that use of the chemical weapons supplied to the terrorists by the West is for the purpose of "serious international response" against him

HAHAHAHAHAH !!    The deceiving nature of war.  Watch and learn the antics and pranks of the Judeo-Christian nations as they merrily give their "OKAY" for the genocide of Christians, Alawites and all those who are not rabid islamists.  Almost a year ago there was evidence that the  murdering gangs of islamists  rampaging all over Syria were already in possession of deadly chemicals and yet our overlords want to make it look like only the Assad regime would be in a position to hold and use such deadly force.

Do our overlords take us for total fools?  Yes, they do.

Damien McElroy writing at TheTelegraphUK:
 ....William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, said the group meeting in London had failed to close the gap between Russia and the West over Moscow's support for the regime.
Mr Hague said the world continued to "fail" in its responsibilities to respond to a crisis that was on track to be the worst humanitarian disaster of this century, but said the G8 gathering had agreed unspecified humanitarian assistance to four million Syrian that need emergency aid.
"They were appalled that more than 70,000 people have been killed in the conflict and that there are now more than a million Syrian refugees registered [as refugees] in neighbouring countries and more than two million internally displaced persons in Syria," a joint statement said.
"They called on all countries to join with them in maximising their contributions to the latest UN appeals and to provide them with direct support in order to help them face this challenging situation."
With Damascus refusing to grant access to a United Nations mission to investigate a chemical weapons attack near Homs last month, the gathering issued a stern warning on use of chemical weapons.
"The ministers condemned the ongoing use of heavy weapons against residential areas and reaffirm their view that any use of chemical weapons would demand a serious international response," the statement said. "To this end, the ministers reaffirmed the importance of safeguarding sites where any such weapons are held."
The Foreign Secretary revealed that Britain, France and America had separately committed to giving more battlefield support to the Syrian rebel fighters battling the regime in the absence of global action.
"The world has failed so far in its responsibilities and continues to do so," he said.
He warned that a EU arms embargo on suppling weapons to Syria, which has prevented the West from arming moderate elements of the opposition, should be "seriously amended"............

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