Monday, April 1, 2013

Chicago, Chicago !!

Better cross off Chicago from your "must visit cities" list.  You will be far safer visiting Toronto  in spite of   this.

The Chicago madness is  the kind of madness that makes law-abiding good citizens of  any given city decide to up and leave such places. Is it any wonder that blacks have such a bad reputation?  I myself would cross the street to avoid an oncoming group of  black youths and my skin is almost as dark as any one of them.  Shame on the lawmakers in Chicago who have let matters get to this degree of  lawlessness.

 2 Dead, 21 Wounded In Weekend Gun Violence. Two men were fatally shot and 21 others were wounded in gun violence across the city over the Easter weekend, including a father and his 12-year-old son who were shot as they got out of a vehicle.

The latest killing was early Sunday, when Akeem Manago, 19, was shot while walking with a 23-yer-old man about 1:50 a.m. in the 1300 block of block of West Hastings when four gunmen approached from behind and opened fire, authorities said. Manago, of the 3700 block of South Wells Street, died less than an hour later. The 23-year-old man was hit in the leg and taken to a hospital in good condition.

In the weekend’s first shooting death, Eugenio Solano, 23, of the 1700 block of North Francisco, was walking with a 44-year-old man 8:05 p.m. Friday in the 1800 block of North Francisco in the Logan Square neighborhood when three men approached and asked for directions, police said. Then one of the men pulled out a gun and opened fire. Solano was shot in the chest and died at the scene, less than a block from his home. The 44-year-old man suffered a minor gunshot wound in his hand as he ran away.

The most recent shooting occurred about 9:50 p.m. Sunday in the 6300 block of South Wolcott. A person, whose age and gender were not immediately available, was shot in the leg and taken in good condition to Stroger Hospital, police said.     
In other weekend shootings:............

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