Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Be careful of your tweets, especially if you are twitting from Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the fastest growing social media nation in the Muslim world and the mad mullahs and their supporters are scared stiff that their power on the young Saudis via religious beliefs will no longer hold sway.  However, I feel pretty sure that this tactic being planned in Saudi Arabia, is already the norm being followed by the powers-that-be our side of the world...without the knowledge of the users.  Big Brother(s) are watching every move and every word we say.  How else do you think they can catch the terrorists and jihadists before they do the dirty without using every trick in the book?

Saudi Arabia may try to end anonymity  for Twitter users in the country by limiting access to the site to people who register their identification documents, the Arab News daily reported on Saturday.

Last week, local media reported the government had asked telecom companies to look at ways they could monitor, or block, free internet phone services such as Skype.

Twitter is highly popular with Saudis and has stirred broad debate on subjects ranging from religion to politics in a country where such public discussion had been considered at best unseemly and sometimes illegal.

Early this month, the security spokesman for Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry described social networking, particularly Twitter, as a tool used by militants to stir social unrest.

The country's Grand Mufti, Saudi Arabia's top cleric, last week described users of the microblogging site as "clowns" wasting time with frivolous and even harmful discussions, local newspapers reported.

"A source at (the regulator) described the move as a natural result of the successful implementation of (its) decision to add a user's identification numbers while topping up mobile phone credit," Arab News reported.

That would not necessarily make a user's identity visible to other users of the site, but it would mean the Saudi government could monitor the tweets of individual Saudis....

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