Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bad guys in control of Baltimore jail

The stuff that goes on in the USA is simply unbelievable.  Corrupt  women prison guards having sex with prisoners and carrying their babies!!  Some big honcho(s) should lose their jobs.  For corruption to reach this level,  there must have been several layers of hierarchy involved in the depravity. You gotta wonder how many other jails have the same thing happening inside their walls too.

From TheDailyBeast:
The secretary of Maryland’s Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services watched this week as the agency he has run for the last six years turned into a national laughingstock after federal officials indicted 13 women who, as guards at the Baltimore City Detention Center, acted like little more than underlings for members of a dangerous prison gang, the Black Guerrilla Family. Four of the correctional officers became reportedly pregnant by the leader of the gang, and two of them had his name tattooed onto their bodies—one on her neck, the other on her wrist.

But in a nearly 90-minute conversation in his office, Maynard, whom state lawmakers have called on to step down, vigorously defended his tenure, saying that it was he who brought in federal investigators once it was revealed that the gang so controlled Baltimore’s jail.

“We know we are opening ourselves up to be publicly embarrassed by a lot of this,” Maynard says. “We asked for this investigation because we knew this was an issue. I knew that. I didn’t have to ask them to come. But we needed some help. The U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI bring some power to the investigation, but once that investigation becomes public, people are going to look at it and say, what is going on here? So we knew that.”..........

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