Friday, March 8, 2013

Wanna know why Russia is increasingly looking like the grownup in a world of spoilt brats nations?

Read the highlighted area as an example of Russia's maturity.
While idiot nations like the UK, USA and others who are in the back pockets of  Saudi Arabia and Qatar are screaming like  banshees for Assad to give up and vanish or else they will vaporize him, his family, his army and his supporters .... Russia like a cool, intelligent mother  just looks down at the tantrum throwing Judeo-Christian nations thrashing around in the dirt of lunacy,  and says her piece reasonably and sensibly.

...Syrian President Bashar Assad "is not bluffing"about his determination to stay in power, Russia's foreign minister said in comments broadcast Friday, as negotiations to free 21 U.N. peacekeepers held by Syrian rebels dragged into a third day.....

...Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the BBC in an interview broadcast Friday that the Syrian leader is digging in and "is not going to leave."
"We know this for sure, and all those who get in touch with him know that he is not bluffing," Lavrov said.

He added that Russia, a close Syria ally, will not pressure Assad to leave.
"It's not for me to decide, it's not for anybody else to decide, except the Syrian people," Lavrov said.

Syria's opposition has criticized the West for not helping arm rebel fighters even as Russia and Iran support the regime with weapons.

Earlier this week, Britain announced it would provide armored vehicles and other equipment to the rebels, while stopping short of arming them. The West has balked at sending weapons, fearing they could fall into the hands of Islamic extremists fighting in the rebel ranks.

In India, Assad adviser Buthaina Shaaban said Britain's decision will only prolong the fighting. She alleged that most of the rebels are linked to the al-Qaida terror network and conservative Islamic groups.

"Britain should not think that terror activities by such groups in Syria, will not one day go back to haunt Europe or Britain," said Shaaban who is in India for talks with Indian leaders to rally support for Assad.

Meanwhile, the Philippine government is trying to win the release of 21 U.N. peacekeepers, all Filipinos, who were seized by Syrian rebels on Wednesday......

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