Saturday, March 16, 2013

So ... what's going on in Germany? Are they waking up at long last to confront the invading Caliphate?

The MSM over there seem to be reporting these days on the various Muslim immigrant problems they are facing  and then and only then the media in the UK  and the USA  think it's worth reporting in their own editions.  The sooner  the countries in the EU give voice to this menacing problem, the higher the chances that they will have additional years to enjoy without Shariah.   Germany might be able to hold off the full islamization of their country for at least two decades... I hope.

I very much suspect that there's a lot more going on in the EU which is to do with Shariah and the second wave of the Caliphate (the first wave came in two decades ago, undetected and imported with the blessing of the EU governments) which wave is now becoming a riptide and coursing upwards to a tsunami.  Nothing can stop it  ... not now and not ever.  Let's just admit it for goodness sake !

Thankfully,  North America will be the last to be Caliphated.  Most of us will be dead by then.  Hallelujah !!

From the BBC:
Authorities in Germany have banned three Islamist groups,  accusing them of being "anti-democratic" and seeking to impose sharia law.
DawaFFM, Islamische Audios and An-Nussrah all adhere to ultra-conservative Salafist doctrine.
Police mounted raids against the groups on Wednesday, but no arrests were made.
German officials have said videos produced by DawaFFM partly inspired the man who shot dead two US airmen at Frankfurt airport in 2011.
An-Nussrah was judged to be part of the Millatu Ibrahim organisation, which had been banned in June last year.
"Salafism, as represented by the groups banned today, is incompatible with our peaceful, democratic system," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said in a statement..........

From Time:
German authorities banned  three ultraconservative Islamic groups Wednesday, including one whose Internet propaganda videos helped inspire the extremist who killed two American airmen at Frankfurt airport in 2011, the country’s domestic intelligence chief said.
Police launched early morning raids on 21 apartments and one meeting room belonging to DawaFFM, Islamic Audios and al-Nussrah — all of which adhere to the hardcore conservative Salafi interpretation of Islam.
The groups were largely involved in recruitment, fundraising and propaganda, including videos and other postings urging people to fight against those who did not believe in their version of Islam, said Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany‘s domestic intelligence service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. “These organizations are oriented against the basic right to freedom of religion — against Christians and other faiths including Shiites,” Maassen said.....

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