Friday, March 29, 2013

Saudi Arabia's logic on execution: First behead then crucify the headless body

 Just in case the headless sodomizer zombies his way into sodomizing other victims?

This is the country that politicians in the USA and EU  love to pieces.  This is the country that sprinkles gold chains like confetti on their  politicians, their wives, their mistresses, their children and even their secretaries....and every gift is given in secret and secretly accepted and appreciated.

Saudi authorities on Wednesday beheaded a Yemeni man and then crucified his body after he was convicted of murdering a Pakistani national, the kingdom's interior ministry announced.

"The Yemeni citizen Mohammed Rashad Khairi Hussein killed a Pakistani, Pashteh Sayed Khan, after he committed sodomy with him," said a statement carried by state news agency SPA

The Yemeni was also convicted of carrying out a series of attacks and robberies.

The execution in the southern city of Jizan was followed by crucifixion, implemented by the ultra-conservative country for serious crimes.

The beheading brings to 28 the number of people put to death in Saudi Arabia so far this year.

In 2012, the kingdom executed 76 people, according to an AFP tally based on official figures. The US-based Human Rights Watch put the number at 69.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia's strict version of sharia, or Islamic law......

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