Monday, March 25, 2013

Saudi Arabia running scared as new generation takes to social media like fish to water

Saudi Arabia's youngsters are craving the freedom enjoyed by their counterparts in the West.  Here's hoping and wishing they trample each and every mullah and imam into the glassy sand in their quest to gain  personal liberty.

Saudi Arabia is considering a ban on several communications technology programs, including Skype and WhatsApp, local media reported Sunday.

“The Communications and Information Technology Commission has requested companies operating the applications to meet the regulatory requirements to avoid their suspension in the kingdom,” sources told Saudi news site Sabq.

Companies were given one week to respond to the commission’s demands.

The commission has cited concerns over encrypted communications, saying that such technology could not be monitored and hindered Saudi Arabia’s efforts to “fight terrorism and crime.”

Skype, WhatsApp and applications like Viber allow users to communicate for free anywhere around the globe through messaging or calling.

In 2010, the Gulf kingdom had briefly banned BlackBerry phones over similar fears.....

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