Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sarah Palin ... the woman all lefties love to hate

I only wish she would admit that John McCain is an idiot of the first order instead of feeling indebted to him for bringing her in the limelight.  He did it to enliven his own lacklustre presidential run but this woman is ever  generous  by sticking to him no matter what.

Garrett Quinn writing at Mediaite:
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin  delivered the most scathing and electric rebuke of President Obama at CPAC yet by calling him a liar along with a litany of other one liner insults during her lunchtime address that repeatedly brought the crowd to its feet. Later in her speech Palin unleashed her wrath on Karl Rove and the assorted political consultants that she so despises.

After being introduced by Senator Ted Cruz in a surprise appearance, Palin unleashed a laundry list of zingers in Obama’s direction on guns, criticizing calls for a ban assault weapons and expanded background checks.

“It’s not about the bad guys, it’s all about the led. That chunk of metal solely did the crime,” she said, snarkly ripping the president’s gun proposals.

“That’s like saying that pork made me fat,” Palin said, moving quickly to her next zinger.

“More Background checks? Dandy idea Mr. President, should have started with yours,” Palin said to roaring laughter.

Palin trashed Obama for his nearly all of his policies from guns to the budget to “free Obamaphones and prophylactics.” At one point she ripped Obama’s budgetary practices, calling him a liar and echoing Congressman Joe Wilson‘s 2009 outburst. “Barack Obama promised the most transparent administration ever. Barack Obama, you lie!”she said, again drawing applause and cheers.

At one point Palin, a former reality TV star, ripped Washington as a whole for lacking “leadership” and being a “reality television show.”

Some of her other zingers:

“We don’t have leadership coming out of Washington. We have reality television.”
“He’s got the rifle, I got the rack.” When referencing a gun rack gift for her husband, Todd.
“Remember No drama Obama? Now it’s all drama Obama.”
My advice to college kids is: You gotta be thinking Sam Adams not drinking Sam Adams.
After she completed her thorough trashing of the president she took a dig at New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg by drinking a big gulp on stage and expressing her disgust at the soda band that he attempted to implement..........

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