Friday, March 29, 2013

Question for Office of Religious Freedom, Canada .... What's your take on Muslims bombing places of worship of other Muslims?

See how mired in myriad ways the  intentions of certain organizations and departments can become when we wade into the Complicated Sea of Religious Freedom?  This department, IMO, is just another  boondoggle courtesy the Conservative party of Canada.

From Reuters:
Sufi shrine blown up in latest religious attack in Libya. People inspect the damage done to a Sufi shrine, the tomb of Sidi Mohamed Landoulsi, after an explosion in the Tajoura neighbourhood on the outskirts of Tripoli, March 28, 2013......

Unknown assailants blew up a major Sufi shrine in the Libyan capital on Thursday, residents said, the first such attack since several last year in the North African country.

Ultra-conservative Islamists have targeted sites belonging to Islam’s Sufi tradition, which they brand idolatrous, since the end of a 2011 war that ousted Muammar Gaddafi. There were about a dozen attacks on Sufi shrines last spring and summer.

Thursday’s bombing took place in the early morning and struck the Sidi Al-Andlusi mausoleum in the Tripoli suburb of Tajoura, residents said. The shrine of a Sufi theologian from the 15th century is protected under law as a national monument.

“It was a bomb attack. The doors and windows were blown out, the inside is charred,” said one witness who lives near the shrine and declined to give his name...........

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