Friday, March 15, 2013

Paedophiles among those thought to be "saints"

Donnie Snook is 41 years old.  Until his arrest in January this year, this man worked as a city councillor for Saint John and also devoted part of  his time as a youth ministry leader. The article below tells us how one determined police officer tracked, trailed and trapped this dangerous paedophile through the online gutters of depravity.  You have to read the whole thing.

Jennifer Pagliaro and  Karissa Donkin writing at TheStar:
Donnie Snook was as close to sainthood  as it got in Saint John.
Sitting on city council for two consecutive terms, the 41-year-old former Salvation Army officer championed the razing of derelict buildings, helped drive biker gangs out of town and fed warm lunches to children through a Christian youth ministry.
“He was the soldier for the marginalized,” said former city councillor Patty Higgins.
But that image was shattered this January after a Toronto police officer sitting in a dark, windowless room 1,500 kilometres away spent 22 months tracking an unknown predator online..........

.......After the child exploitation section was formed in 2001, Krawczyk joined the following year as one of fewer than five officers with no computers at their disposal.
In 2003, the section made its first huge bust, rescuing a 6-year-old girl from an abuser in the U.S. using skilful detection work. Krawczyk still has a copy of the letter the girl’s family sent their team, thanking them for the difference they’d made — for saving her.
Since then, Toronto’s team has grown to 16 officers who have become worldwide leaders in this sort of work. In 2010, Krawczyk headed the international task force in charge of the massive Project Sanctuary that rescued 25 children and netted 57 of the bad guys......

.....On Nov. 29, after the RCMP had taken the lead in the investigation, police installed a surveillance camera on a hydro pole that looked down on Snook’s home, the warrants show.
By December, Krawczyk said the user was ramping up his online activity, divulging several details: the person was single, had access to several young boys and lived in New Brunswick......

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