Saturday, March 30, 2013

Meet 8-year-old Ahmed, NATO's little terrorist recruit in Syria

Words fail me.  This is the sad outcome of what NATO nations have done to Syria and continue doing relentlessly.

Ruth Sherlock writing at TelegraphUK:
... He is too small to be able to hold his weapon properly, but this little boy, Ahmed, is already a fighter in the Syrian civil war.
The photograph, taken on the front line in Aleppo's Salaheddin district, was used by media outlets around the world in a jolting reminder of the dehumanising character of war.

Ahmed said he went from being a carefree boy with a loving family to a child soldier living on one of the most lethal streets of the devastated city of Aleppo.
"I ended up helping my uncle and his comrades because I have no other choice, there is no school, my family is dead, what choice do I have?" he said.
Ahmed's mother and father died in a mortar strike in Salaheddin neighbourhood, where his father had been working as a fighter with the rebel Free Syrian Army. Now the only person Ahmed has left is his uncle, a rebel who the boy follows and imitates as he fights against government soldiers.
In a red jumper and black trousers, Ahmed looks dressed in a uniform for school. For several weeks now, however, the front line has been his only playground.

In the video above, the boy, clutching his gun, runs across a road littered with bullet cartridges, broken electricity cables and strewn possession from the nearby homes that have long been abandoned by civilian................
......When The Daily Telegraph visited a rebel group in Salaheddin last month, the group had lost three men, two of them less than 18 years of age, in the space two weeks.
Ahmed spends some of his time helping to man one of the front line outposts.
"Weapons are heavy I still have a difficult time shooting them, I can only shoot resting on the floor," he said........

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