Thursday, March 14, 2013

Geeks should never be asked questions that are non-code related ....

otherwise  you will get stuff that's more gibberish than the codes they use to build their programs.  The thing is:  the codes work most of the time, however, the  gibberish coming  from the mouths of  some of the most successful  geeks, makes one wonder if they are like the Dustin Hoffman character in  Rain Man.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates,  the wealthiest American, said on “some days” he wishes the U.S. political system were like England’s, so that President Barack Obama could have “slightly more power.”

Gates was asked for his assessment of President Obama’s job performance during an interview at Politico’s “Playbook Cocktails” event.

“Some days I wish we had a system like the U.K. where, you know, the party in power could do a lot and you know, you’d see how it went and then fine you could un-elect them,” said Gates on Wednesday......

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