Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Filipino Peacekeepers in Syria kidnapped by "rogue" Syrian rebels

What are the editors at Jewish Daily Forward up to by labeling  some of the killer gangs in Syria  as"Rogue Syrian Rebels" ?   Are there non-rogue ones that Israel approves of ????  Is Israel readying their doctors and hospitals to take care of the "rogue" Syrian rebels like they have done for some in earlier weeks?    I used to think that the  Jewish community was loaded with people who were many, many notches above in intelligence and smarts than  any other peoples on our planet.  Not any more.

Most Filipinos are Christians, so if these peacekeepers are from that country....  then .........

Syrian rebels have seized a convoy of U.N. peacekeepers near the Golan Heights and say they will hold them captive until President Bashar al-Assad’s forces pull back from a rebel-held village which has seen heavy recent fighting.
The capture was announced in rebel videos posted on the Internet and confirmed on Wednesday by the United Nations in New York, which said about 20 peacekeepers had been detained.
The seizure is the most direct threat to U.N. personnel in the nearly two-year-old uprising against Assad and Human Rights Watch said it was investigating the same brigade for past executions.
It came on the day that Britain said it would increase aid to the opposition forces and the Arab League gave a green light to member states to arm the rebels.
The regional Arab body also invited the opposition Syrian coalition to take Syria’s seat at a League meeting in Doha later this month. Syria was suspended in November 2011 in response to its crackdown on protests which since spiralled into civil war.
The peacekeepers of the UNDOF mission have been monitoring a ceasefire line between Syria and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, captured by the Jewish state in a 1967 war, for nearly four decades.
Israel has warned that it will not “stand idle” as Syria’s civil war spills over into the Golan region.
The United Nations in New York said its peacekeepers had been detained by around 30 fighters in the Golan Heights.
“The U.N. observers were on a regular supply mission and were stopped near Observation Post 58, which had sustained damage and was evacuated this past weekend following heavy combat in close proximity at Al Jamla,” it said, referring to a village which saw fierce confrontations on Sunday.
It did not say the nationality of the observers but the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group which is in contact with the rebel brigade said they were Filipino......

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