Friday, March 1, 2013

Dear Reuters ... please learn to spell "Muslims" ... the word, unfortunately, is still in our lexicon...

not mentioning that the militant group that came from the Philippines into Malaysia was a militant "Muslim" group bent on continuing its blood fest into a neighboring country,  is not only taking political correctness into the deepest sewers, but letting your writers and journalists at Reuters wallow in the shit there by making it look like Christians, because (Philippines is  almost 90% Christian)
 are the ones who are in Malaysia behaving like murderous madmen.   How disgusting can your journalism get ?!!!!  

A standoff between Malaysian security forces and armed Filipinos  erupted in violence on Friday, with two police officers and 12 members of the Philippine group killed as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak declared his patience had run out.

Malaysian police said the killings occurred on Friday morning when security forces tightened the cordon around the group in the eastern state of Sabah and were attacked, resulting in a 30-minute firefight.
Sabah police chief Hamza Taib told a news conference that the remaining Filipinos were still holed up, contradicting Philippine government officials who said some had surrendered while others had fled..........

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