Monday, March 4, 2013

Dancing as a Resistance Movement to stop Islamization of Tunisia

Further to the video posted yesterday,  I have now learnt that Tunisia's wonderfully bright, talented, courageous young freedom fighters are resisting the takeover of their country by mad wahhabism exported there by Saudi Arabia and Qatar by starting a Dancing as Resistance movement all over Tunisia.

We all have hope as long as the young generation in Tunisia  and everywhere else in the Muslim world learns to fight and never give up on their personal matter what !!

I sincerely hope our media in the West will pick up on this initiative by these youngsters and help make this wonderful movement take over the entire Muslim world like a tidal wave.  Won't this be better than the false revolutions we have seen of late ?

Katharina Pfannkuch writing at YourMiddleEast:
....Dancing as resistance.    With the assassination of Chokri Belaid, violence has returned to the streets of Tunis. Conservative Islamist forces target artistic freedom. But an initiative of young Tunisians now reclaims the streets. Their weapon is dance.

The pictures are reminiscent of the images that the world saw two years ago: angry protesters in the centre of Tunis, the police fighting them with tear gas, young men throwing stones. The struggle for power continues, Tunisia’s future is again uncertain. The murder of the secular politician Chokri Belaid shocked the country and brought back the violence into the country’s streets. With the renewed uncertainty, the fear is back: secular Tunisians, but also moderate Muslims worry about the growing influence of Islamists. Not only has the Ennahdha party unsettled citizens. Since the fall of Ben Ali two years ago, the Salafists have become a visible part of Tunisia. The religious extremists do not hesitate to show Tunisians their own boundaries of the permissible. One of the most important targets is art.

Bahri Ben Yahmed saw first-hand how they seek to limit artistic freedom. In March 2012, the choreographer and dancer was performing together with members of the Tunisian dance project “Art Solution” on Avenue Habib Bourguiba, when Islamists appeared and interrupted the performance. “Go inside your theaters, the streets do not belong to you anymore!” they shouted. A dramatic experience for the young artists, remembers Ben Yahmed: “We realized that we had to start fighting for the place of artists in public space. Those extremists threaten freedom.”

Ben Yahmed and his dancers also started discussing the role of art in post-revolutionary Tunisia. “The Tunisian society today is insecure and pessimistic. The desire for security is high, and many Tunisians paid a high price for security: they lose their dignity, their freedom and their joy of life.” The lower the social class, the more difficult is the access to art, adds Ben Yahmed. “But arts should not be a luxury,” says the 35-year-old dancer and choreographer, “every citizen has the right to have access to art.” With these reflections in mind, the idea of the project “Danseurs Citoyens” was born............


  1. The future belongs to the new generation. As you said, there is hope. The hope is that the young in Islamic countries will do better than their parents have done and give religion a very minor role.

    1. Tunisia was the first to start the laughably termed "arab spring" revolutions. Maybe, once again Tunisia will be the first to start a "dance revolution" with only the young and secular members of the new generation taking back what is rightfully theirs....and not letting anybody with islam on their minds to participate in their new movement.
      The old fogies, which includes even their parents if they are into their islamic ways, should be rebelled against with every ounce in their young bodies.
      I like this movement ... big time !!


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