Thursday, March 28, 2013

Damascus University's Faculty of Architecture bombed by those who hate learning institutions

But the hypocrites around us will of course say the mortar fire came from Assad and his gang.  Were the terrorist rebels targeting the university because they want to kill the young generation of secular Muslims or were they after the Syrian News office whose building is adjacent to the university?

Now imagine this: You are sitting in the university's cafeteria sipping mint tea and dreaming of designing the next Taj Mahal or something spectacular like that and because there are regimes in this world who want to get at a  nuclear country near you by first destroying you and your country,  you and your dreams become just a number on the list of collateral damage.

All hail the beloved plotters of  NATO members going after Assad and destroying yet another largely secular country   so they can dumb down the population by replacing the secular dictators with  religious ones.  What's not to love about that, eh?!  Even a highly intelligent nation like Israel has joined the club with gusto. Let's give her and all other members a  big hand and wish them all the best.

A regime change in Iran is too difficult to achieve, but destroying entire countries in order to reach Iran is easy.  Is there something "precious" under Syria like oil and gas that we don't know anything about?  Is the story about disabling Syria in order to disable Iran really true?  How exactly will Iran be crippled if the already crippled Syria is destroyed and Assad gone?  I don't get it.  But then I am only a dodo and not one of the conniving, treacherous, malicious, cunning, murderous members of NATO.  I am glad and relieved that my country has stayed out of this disgraceful plot of nations. However,  I am apprehensive that that stance may change because of the  manipulation practiced on us by other members of NATO.

Mortar fire has hit the University of Damascus,  killing 12 students, Syrian state TV says.
The channel blamed rebels for the attack, saying a number of people had also been injured.

It said the mortars had hit the university's faculty of architecture.
The Syrian capital is in the grip of heavy fighting between government and rebel forces, who have recently intensified the use of mortars in the city, correspondents say.

State-run al-Ikhbariya TV said the mortars had hit a canteen. The station showed footage of doctors trying to save victims amid a scene of upturned tables and chairs, shattered glass and blood on the floor.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based activist group, said several rounds had hit but did not give further details, AFP news agency reported.

At least five people have been killed by mortar fire in the centre of Damascus since Monday, AFP said. Mortars landed near the university's law faculty earlier this week....

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