Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Absolute Rarity in Politics... Italy's Foreign Affairs Minister resigns on principle

Well done !!  Bravo !!  A man of principles.  And in Italy?  The country that lives off bribes ?

The two marines should not have been sent to a backward country like India to face trial for murder of two fishermen they mistook for pirates and vaporized in February of last year...and that too in International waters.  India might be towards the top of the pile in the financial world, but in everything else it's still languishing at the bottom.  The Italian politicians who bent over backwards to meet this stupid demand must be having plenty of business ties with India they don't want jeopardized.  Moreover, I think high-end politics are involved here because the leader of one of India's parties is the Italian-born Sonia Gandhi.  Indians involved in this mischief making for Italy are most probably not her well-wishers. That's easy to figure out....but so very shameful.

From BBC News:
....Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi   has resigned in protest of his government's decision to send two Italian marines, accused of killing two Indian fishermen, to Delhi for trial.
The case sparked a major diplomatic row between India and Italy.
"My reservations about sending the marines back to India were not listened to," Mr Terzi told Italian MPs.

Prime Minister Mario Monti said he was "astonished" by the decision. He is due to speak in parliament on Wednesday.

Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone are charged with shooting the fishermen off the Kerala coast in February 2012. They said they mistook them for pirates.
The accused were shuttled back and forth between Italy and India in recent months while the two governments argued over the legal consequences of an alleged crime committed in international waters, the BBC's David Willey, in Rome, reports.

Italy then announced last week that it would send the marines back to Delhi to stand trial.

On Tuesday, Mr Terzi said he was resigning because his voice had gone "unheard" by Prime Minister Monti and his caretaker administration.

"I can no longer be part of this government," Mr Terzi said.
"I am resigning because I have maintained for 40 years and I maintain more forcefully today that the honour of the country, its armed forces and the Italian diplomacy must be safeguarded. I am resigning because I support the two marines and their families.".........

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