Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wow ! Isn't it great how killers of Christians are acquiring a ready-made army of more killers ?

Courtesy our ally Qatar !!  What are friends for, eh?!

 .... Sudanese government might evacuate  Malian jihadists to Darfur from a foreign country, said a leading rebel official from the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) who asserted they localised their presence in the troubled North Darfur state.

Tahir El-Faki, speaker of JEM's Legislative Assembly reiterated that the Malian jihadist groups are in Darfur region after a large-scale military operation carried out by the French and Malian armies against their positions in northern Mali earlier this month....

Different reports circulate about the fate of the Jihadist groups whose leaders have vanished as no information about their whereabouts.

Le Temps d'Algérie, an Algerian daily newspaper in French language suggested that Qatar had dispatched two airplanes to move the leaders of different jihadist groups that many of them are Algerians.

"This information has been circulating recently" said the director of the French Centre for Research on Intelligence (CF2R),Eric Denécé, in statements published by the Algerian daily on 5 February.

Faki underscored that the Islamists who are arrived in North Darfur are from different countries including Mali Niger and Chad and other foreigners. He added that some of them had been already present in Darfur before to move to Mali last year.

Sudanese and French governments did not react openly to the statements made by the rebel groups on the presence of the Malian rebels...........

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