Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is one of the reasons why I think judges have become too big for their boots

It's the same everywhere.  In the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia .... in each and every Judeo-Christian land, the judges have either gone senile with old age or before their time or they are being blackmailed into these foolhardy judgements.  If they are being blackmailed, we gotta wonder for what.  Are they pedophiles, rapists, thieves, have they committed some other fraud besides their fraudulent judgements .... what wrong have they done?  Must be something pretty bad if they are now willing to turn traitors in order to save their skins by ruling on the wrong side.

IMO, every two years all judges should be forced to go through a vigorous medical examination to check their mental capacity.  I am telling you... half of them will have to be put out to pasture after such checks.

David Barrett writing at TheTelegraphUK:
In a key ruling,the head of the immigration courts said measures introduced by Mrs May last summer to stop criminals claiming the “right to family life” were overridden by judges’ previous decisions on such cases at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Mr Justice Blake also said that “little weight” should be given to Mrs May’s immigration rules in cases involving criminals with children because they were overruled by international agreements and a previous law passed by the Labour government.
As reported by The Telegraph last week, Mrs May is due to introduce laws to strengthen existing measures over concerns that judges were not taking them seriously. The measures are supported by The Telegraph’s “End the Human Rights Farce” campaign.
The judge made his criticisms of Mrs May’s laws in a ruling which allowed a criminal with 30 convictions to stay in Britain, even though the Home Office had tried to deport him.
The case was written as a “reported determination”, meaning that other immigration judges will have to follow its example when deciding other similar appeals.
Olufisayo Ogundimu, a former drug dealer from south London, persuaded the court that he should not be removed to Nigeria, where he was born, because he had fathered a child here and has a baby on the way with another woman.
Mr Justice Blake said in his ruling on Ogundimu’s case that the immigration rules “did not affect the circumstance” when considering the right to family life, which is guaranteed by Article Eight of the Human Rights Act.
In such cases he said that the way to interpret Article Eight was not to consider Mrs May’s rules as most important, despite them being passed with cross-party support by Parliament.
Specifically regarding one of Mrs May’s rules which was designed to mean that having a child in Britain would not strengthen a criminal’s case against being deported, the judge said: “Little weight should be attached to this rule when consideration is being given to the assessment of proportionality under Article Eight.”
Instead, he said the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and part of an immigration Act passed by Labour in 2009 took precedence.
Dominic Raab, the Tory MP who has campaigned for tougher rules, said: “This chronic judicial legislation has undermined public protection and usurped the democratic will of Parliament.
“We now have around 200 Article Eight cases a year, so it is vital and urgent that Parliament amends the law to mandate deportation and brush aside these spurious challenges to the rule of law.”
Ogundimu, 28, arrived in the UK 22 years ago. Tracked down by The Telegraph at his girlfriend’s flat in Chislehurst, south-east London, he said that he was pleased at the decision made by the Immigration and Asylum Upper Tribunal.........

1 comment:

  1. "..all judges should be forced to go through a vigorous medical examination to check their mental capacity.."
    Well unless political correct leftism gets classified as a mental deficiency, this would be a waste of time.


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