Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Saudi-backed Iraqi Sunni honcho: We will call for toppling Iraqi Shiite govt

Come on then, go for it!!   Let the civil war heat up a lot more, a whole LOT more.   A dead muzzie, whether Sunni or Shiite, is a sweet treat.  

Adam Schreck at APNews:
....The protesters will seek to bring down the government if their demands aren't met, warns a prominent Sunni sheik who once helped Americans battle al-Qaida in Iraq. He speaks ominously that armed militants who once fought U.S. troops could rally to the cause.
"When we give up hope that the government can reform itself, we will call for toppling it," Sheik Ahmed Abu Risha said in his well-guarded family compound near the banks of the Euphrates. "If this government does not disband itself, we will head to Baghdad and stage protests in the streets and paralyze the government's work until it falls apart."
When the last U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq in December 2011, there was hope that majority Shiites and minority Sunnis and Kurds would learn to work together, resolve their differences and create a healthy democracy in a country with a history of strong-arm rule........

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