Thursday, February 21, 2013

Paging Office of Religious Freedom, Canada .... Terrorists in Syria funded by your fellow Western nations, kidnap two Christian priests.... Part 2

Tell us O mighty ORF ... what sort of a missile loaded corrosive letter you gonna write and to whom.  Waiting in feverish anticipation for your knight-in-silver-armor-action.

The fate of the two priests who were kidnapped on Feb 9 is unknown as at Feb 12 according to Fides network. Even one week later, there's still no news about their whereabouts or their fate, that I would trace on the internet.

The following is a Google translation from Arabic.  The Assyrian HR seems to be blaming not only the rebels for the kidnapping but also the Assad regime for purposely failing to give security to the Christians so they can be targeted for propaganda reasons.

Assyrian Network for Human Rights:  the abduction of Christian priests in Aleppo  I learned Assyrian network of human rights observers in the city of Aleppo that an armed group kidnapped two priests Christians on Saturday afternoon the current ninth of February, near a roadblock ICARDA (2 miles north of City Sracb) on the international highway between Aleppo and Damascus.
The observers reported the network that barrier follower of an armed group stopped a civilian bus carrying passengers after time Palace of marque from Aleppo toward Mashta sweet, nearly two o'clock noon, and ordered Father Maher Isaac Mahfoud Church Greek Orthodox, Father Michel Kayal Church Armenian Catholic, ordered them to get out of the bus and took them to an unknown destination as narrated by eyewitnesses to our observers.
And our observers confirmed that the partisan views close to the opposition Christian immediately informed follower of the barrier free army near the area, army officers tried to free the checkpoint save priests, but the kidnappers had fled.
The network Assyrian Human Rights condemns kidnapping of Syrian citizens exercised by gangs stealing and intimidation widely in Syria, they carry the authorities of the Syrian regime fully responsible for the incident, the failure of this system in the maintenance of the country's security and safety of citizens and punish the perpetrators first, but considered the official body which lies This business within its territory Secondly, and as the Syrian regime only entity seeking and benefiting from fueling sectarian strife in Syria III.
 It also condemns the Assyrian Network for Human Rights in the strongest possible terms the hijacking priests Mahfoud and Kayali, who were returning from complete and family duty solace in Aleppo, and demanding the party responsible for the accident should be launch Srahma and desist from the practice of these acts against the law and harmful to national meat.
Also calls on the network and area of wise elders to intervene immediately in order to clarify the fate of priests and release them immediately and without delay.

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