Monday, February 25, 2013

Nigeria's terrorists responsible for kidnapping of French family in Cameroon

Muslim terrorists are all over.  But, it's easier to pretend they are not.

Boko Haram releases video of French family kidnapped in Cameroon.  Islamist extremist group, Boko Haram, has released a video showing the French family kidnapped in Cameroon, near the border with Nigeria.
The three minutes, 26 seconds video, posted on YouTube on Monday, shows the seven members of the Moulin Fournier family, kidnapped on February 19.
The video shows three adult members of the family-two men and one woman; and four children sitting between two armed men, masked, and in military fatigue, and a third who acted as the group spokesperson.
The spokesperson confirmed they belong to the Jama’a Ahl al-Sunnah lil Da’wa wal Jihad, better known as Boko Haram.
He accused France of waging war on Islam, and said the condition for releasing their hostages was for the Nigerian government to release all female jihadists imprisoned, while the Cameroonian government releases their male counterparts......

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