Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Janet Leiper .... witch on a witch hunt

Delicious article from Sue-Ann Levy at the TorontoSun.  You gotta read the whole read.   I loved it !!   America's got Camille Paglia for the Left, Canada's got Miss Levy fighting the good fight for the Right.

Funny, I didn’t see any sign of an apology from Miss Manners in a lame and deliberately confusing four-page report to Tuesday’s council meeting about the legal matter that very nearly cost Mayor Rob Ford his job.

Figuring integrity commissioner Janet Leiper is a stickler for apologies from those who commit crimes against humanity — and apologies with sincere meaning, at that — I just assumed she would want to do the right thing and admit she, too, was sorry for her August 2010 ruling that ultimately led to the Clayton Ruby legal witch hunt against the mayor.  

After all, as the Divisional Court decision of Jan. 25 indicated — with no room for doubt — Miss Manners had overstepped her authority under the City of Toronto Act when she imposed a financial sanction of $3,150 against Ford for improperly obtaining donations on his councillor letterhead to his football foundation.

I repeat: The sanction she recommended to council in August of 2010 was beyond her authority.

But Leiper didn’t stop at that. Like a dog salivating for a prime rib bone, Miss Manners was downright obsessive in her attempts to make Ford pay.

In fact, the avid cyclist killed many trees hounding him and chasing him down. She sent six requests to the mayor between August 2010 and October 2011 demanding to know whether the lobbyists and donors she indicated should be paid back, had, in fact, been paid back...........

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