Monday, February 4, 2013

Advisory from Police Services on Flash Blindness

This particular advisory is from York Region PS in Ontario.  In the last few months, Police Services in other Provinces have also issued similar advisories. In one of the provinces, I think it was BC,  some kids were caught flashing at helicopters.  Pranks can lead to disastrous consequences.

From York Region Police Services:
York Regional Police reminds the public of the potential harm laser pointers can cause. Health Canada advises that a split-second look into a laser pointer can result in a condition called flash blindness. This is similar to the effect you get during flash photography, where the image of the flash remains in your eyes for a few seconds, then fades away. However, for a pilot in control of an aircraft flying over populated areas, the consequences can be serious. Those who aim these pointers at aircraft are putting lives in danger, not only in the aircraft but on the ground. There is a serious potential for harm to the pilot and the prospect of a crash.....

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