Thursday, January 31, 2013

UK snags Algeria in their conniving net

Stealth strategy of divide and conquer.  Very soon you can expect to see Algeria, with UK and France muscle firmly behind it, inside the borders of Somalia, Nigeria, Mali, Mauritania and anybody and everybody else who doesn't fall in line and say "Yes Massa".

The colonizers are on the march again.

The Prime Minister says he wants   to see a "tough approach on security" to combat Al Qaeda-linked terrorists in the region but says the solution is not "purely a military one"

Speaking shortly after arriving in Algiers for a meeting with President Bouteflika, Prime Minister David Cameron said he wanted to see closer co-operation with the Algeria and other governments in the region to combat terrorism but cautioned that armed interventions were not the only option.
"We don't look at this region of the world and think that the answer is purely a military one.
"It isn't, what is required in countries like Mali, just as countries like Somalia on the other side of Africa, is that combination of a tough approach on security, aid, politics, settling grievances and problems - an intelligent approach that brings together all the things we need to do with countries in this neighbourhood to help them, to make them safer, make us safer, make the world safer," said Mr Cameron.........

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