Thursday, January 24, 2013

The multi-faced Conservative govt of Canada

And every one of those faces lie.   Canada enters into yet another conflict and  the possibility of us remaining in Africa for the next several months or even years or maybe even decades,  is very real.   See how easily the mission changed from "one week of one transport plane" to one month and already there are rumors  that military personnel, the RCMP and CSIS are either already there or being readied to depart for Mali in the next few days.  Rumors don't just get started out of nowhere.  Where there's smoke, there's fire.

From CBC:
Canada's air transport mission to support French and African military efforts in Mali has been extended to Feb. 15, a statement released by the Harper government this afternoon says.

At last week's announcement that one C-17 Globemaster transport plane would help with moving troops and equipment, Prime Minister Stephen Harper emphasized that the deployment was only for one week and the government would review its commitment after a few days.

By Thursday, however, the plane had been flying missions in and out of Mali's capital, Bamako, for one week, so a decision was expected imminently on what would come next. Forty Canadian Forces personnel are currently involved in the daily shuttle runs originating at military bases in France.

French and Malian ambassadors in Ottawa said last Thursday that France had requested an extension and suggested it would likely be granted......................

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