Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Persecution of Christians in the Islamized United Kingdom and the EU Court of Human RIghts

Yup .... Christians are persecuted even in the supposedly "Christian" countries.  Why do you think that is?  Simple answer is because we let ourselves be bullied by people who know that if we are slapped on the right cheek we turn the left too for more abuse. That attitude has got to stop because until it does you can expect to be insulted and trodden underfoot by the most callous of human beings around you.

John Bingham writing at TheTelegraph:
Campaigners claimed that “millions” of people  who hold traditional “politically incorrect” views could now face new restrictions because of rulings against three other Christians involved in the European Court of Human Rights case.

They claimed that the judgment actively increases the risk that those who dissent on the issue of same-sex marriage will not be free to voice their dissent.

Their comments came as the court in Strasbourg ruled that Britain had failed to protect the right of Nadia Eweida, a British Airways clerk, to manifest their faith by wearing a small cross.

The judges accepted for the first time that wearing a cross was an important expression of Mrs Eweida’s faith which deserved protection under the European Convention on Human Rights – even though it is not an explicit tenet of Christianity.

It said that Mrs Eweida’s rights trumped the company’s “wish to project a certain corporate image”.

But it rejected a similar legal challenge from Shirley Chaplin, a nurse from Exeter, who had been forbidden from wearing a cross at work.

The court found that the right to manifest faith could be overridden by the hospital’s claims that it was against “health and safety” for her to wear a small cross.

Significantly, it also threw out parallel challenges brought by two other Christians who lost their jobs for taking a stand on what they saw as a matter of conscience.

Gary McFarlane, a Relate counsellor, and Lillian Ladele, a marriage registrar, both resisted performing tasks at work they believed would amount to condoning homosexuality.

Miss Ladele was disciplined by Islington Council for asking to be excused from conducting civil partnership ceremonies....

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